If you were able to guess Scorpio, then you are correct!
David Guetta is a well known French DJ and producer. During an interview with YouTubers Mcfly and Carlito the producer revealed that Madonna refuses to work with him because of his zodiac sign.
Guetta explained, “I arrive for lunch. We talk about everything, the music, what she wants to do with the album. Super nice. It’s just her and me. Very relaxed, very cool. We have lunch. It’s happening, very good, and you wonder when we start working together,”
“She asks me for my astrological sign. I answer her, Scorpio. Suddenly, she makes a face , and she says to me, ‘I’m sorry, we’re not going to be able to work together. It was a pleasure to know you. Goodbye,’”
Madonna has commented that working with Scorpios has led to a lot of secrecy and total control of work, which she doesn’t like.