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Should You Get Your Flu Shot Early This Year?

I’m sure we’ve all felt the recent shift of weather, the warm summer days a past us and the chilly fall weather is now upon us.

Fall comes with lots of fun, football and nice scenery, but it unfortunately also brings colds, even the flu. 

Across the entire state, Doctors are seeing an early rise in flu case when it usually comes closer to November. One specific rise of cases is with in kids and youth under 18. 

“Flu is here. It’s early for us to see hospitalizations. Historically, we don’t see flu cases in September. We usually see an uptick around Thanksgiving and Christmas. So, this flu season is early,” said Dr. Michelle Barron, UCHealth’s senior medical director of infection prevention and control and one of the top infectious disease experts in Colorado.


WBZ news 

UC Health